- There were still no positive cases of COVID-19 in Imperial County confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta as of 5:23 p.m. March 12, according to the daily update from the Imperial County Public Health Department.
- However, there were two “presumptive” positive cases in Imperial County resulting from initial positive tests and pending CDC confirmation, according to the daily update.
- There were four potential cases pending results as of March 12.
- Five suspected cases have come back with negative test results as of March 12.
- The Imperial County Public Health Department will be giving daily updates regarding the numbers of those tested for COVID-19 in the county, officials said during a press conference March 12.
- County officials are also expected to have a weekly briefing for the public each Thursday.
- Public Health will be running cumulative totals each day around 5 p.m. at its website, http://www.icphd.org/health-information-and-resources/healthy-facts/covid-19/