Name: Ryan Childers
Age: 40
City of residence: El Centro (lifelong)
Family (optional): Wife of 16 years, Allison; son, William (12); daughter, Abigail (9)
Current employment: Attorney and owner, Childers and Associates, Attorneys at Law
Political experience:
El Centro Elementary School District Board of Trustees (2007-2011)
- Board President, 2008-2009
Central Union High School District Board of Trustees (2012-Present)
- Board President, 2015-2016 and 2019-Present
Employment history (last 10 years):
Childers and Associates, Attorney at Law (2006-Present)
Imperial County District Attorney’s Office
- Deputy District Attorney/Prosecutor (2004-2006)
Other affiliations/memberships/board positions:
Member, State Bar of California (2004-Present)
Bar Association of Imperial County
- President (2007-2008)
- Board Member (2005-2009)
Rotary Club of El Centro, Member 2004-Present
- President- 2012-2013
- Paul Harris Society Member
- Paul Harris Award Recipient (seven-time recipient)
Imperial Valley College Foundation Board of Directors
Sheriff’s Athletic League Board of Directors
California Mid-Winter Fair Heritage Foundation, Founding Member and Vice-President
(Past Member)
ARC of Imperial Valley Board of Directors (Past Member)
El Centro Education Foundation (Past Member)
Imperial Masonic Lodge 390, Member – 2008- Present
Sunbeam Little League head coach (2013)
El Centro Pop Warner head coach (2014-2019)
Mock Trial coach (2006)
Mock Trial scoring attorney and judge (2005 – Present)
IVROP Dancing with the Stars
- Participant (2013)
- Master of Ceremonies (2018)
I.M.A.G.I.N.E. Award Winner – Awarded by the City of El Centro
Young Professional of the Year – Awarded by the El Centro Chamber of Commerce
Imperial Valley Press Reader’s Choice Award for Best Legal Services (2019)
Lawyers of Distinction Award for Excellence in the Practice of Law
Inductee into the Imperial Valley Football Hall of Fame
- University of San Diego School of Law- 2004
Juris Doctor - California Polytechnic State University (“Cal Poly”), San Luis Obispo- 2001
Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Graduated with Honors - Graduate of Southwest High School- 1998
Reasons for running and top issues: I am running for the IID Board of Directors in Division 2 because the IID is one of our community’s most important institutions and the issues it faces are complex and of great importance to all of us. That is why it is important we elect leaders with the education, experience, and values to effectively lead the IID. I believe that my education as an accountant and my experience as a lawyer, businessman, coach, and three term school board member, makes me uniquely qualified to serve our community as a member of the IID Board of Directors.
I was born and raised in the IID division I am now seeking to represent, and my wife, Allison, and I are proud to be raising our children, William and Abigail, as fifth-generation Valley residents. As a parent and lifelong resident of the Imperial Valley, I have a vested interest in fighting for our valley and working to address the issues that matter most- issues like preserving and protecting our water rights, keeping power rates low and affordable, attracting economic development that will create good paying jobs, restoring the Salton Sea, and demanding action on the New River.
In difficult times like these experience matters more than ever. I am the only candidate in this race who has:
- a proven track record of successful service to our community;
- ever held elected office and made difficult decisions in the face of difficult times;
- held a real job beyond an internship;
- Owned and operated a successful business.
I will utilize my experience to bring a fresh perspective and energetic leadership to the IID and I will work to build a more efficient, effective and responsive IID, an IID that is better able to serve our community, and protect our way of life.

Name: JB Hamby
Age: 24
City of residence: El Centro
Current employment: Family farming, biotech
Political experience: Office of U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse, United States Senate page (nominated by U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer)
Employment history (last 10 years): Uber Technologies (San Francisco headquarters), U.S. Senate page
Other affiliations/memberships/board positions:
Imperial County Historical Society
- Stanford University, B.A.
- Arizona Water Law Continuing Legal Education, Scottsdale, Ariz.
- Colorado River Water Users Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas
- Colorado Water Congress Summer Conference, Steamboat Springs, Colo.
- Colorado Water Conservation Board Demand Management Hearing, Grand Junction, Colo.
- Getches-Wilkinson 2007 Colorado River Interim Guidelines Conference, Boulder, Colo.
- Arizona Department of Water Resources Hearing on Proposed Transfer of GSC Farm LLC’s Colorado River Water Entitlement to the Town of Queen Creek, Yuma
- International Boundary and Water Commission Drought Contingency Plan Impacts on Yuma County Agriculture, Yuma
- International Boundary and Water Commission New River Water Quality, Calexico
- Law of the Colorado River Continuing Legal Education, Scottsdale
- Lincoln Land Institute Colorado River Journalist Forum, Phoenix
- Native American Rights Fund Indian Reserved Water Rights Claims Symposium, Funner
- New Mexico Water Law Continuing Legal Education, Santa Fe, N.M.
- Pacific Institute Salton Sea Summit, Palm Desert
- San Diego County Water Authority Citizens Water Academy, San Diego
- State Water Resources Control Board Salton Sea Hearing, Sacramento
- Tribal Water Law, Continuing Legal Education, Scottsdale
- Upper Basin Drought Contingency Plan Demand Management Workshop, Salt Lake City
- Urban Water Institute Annual Conference, San Diego
- Water Education Foundation Edge of Drought Tour, Central Coast California
- 10X Water Summit, Phoenix
- American Public Power Association Governance Course
Reasons for running and top issues: In 2026, key agreements governing the Colorado River will expire. There is a concerted effort across the Colorado River Basin to move water from rural and marginalized communities, including our own, drying them up to build thirsty, sprawling growth in big cities.
Imperial Valley has the largest water right and the most to lose on the Colorado River. It is so critically important that we protect our most vital resource and that our water stays here — put to use in Imperial Valley for the benefit of all our people, not monetized for the benefit of a few or an agency.
The result of this election will permanently shape the future of the Imperial Valley, Colorado River, and American Southwest. The stakes could not be higher.
I have made three pledges to Division 2 voters.
One, honor this Ratepayer Protection Pledge:
“I, JB Hamby, pledge to the ratepayers of the Imperial Irrigation District, that I will OPPOSE any and all efforts to raise power rates.”
Two, introduce this resolution to protect our water forever with a public vote:
“A two-thirds affirmative vote of the public shall be required in a general election to authorize the Imperial Irrigation District to seek, propose, enter into, or otherwise facilitate a voluntary new or enlarged transfer, sale, lease, compensated forbearance, or other generation of additional conserved Colorado River water to be made available for use outside of the Imperial Irrigation District water service area.”
Three, demand dignity for public health and habitat at the Salton Sea and New River by:
- Holding California accountable for failing to meet its responsibilities to the Salton Sea– by all means required including declaring a breach of the QSA water transfers if necessary.
Work to require New River water quality to be compliant with the U.S. Clean Water Act.
This story is featured in the Oct 08, 2020 e-Edition.