IMPERIAL COUNTY — The following reports were collected from the Imperial County Sheriff’s Office call logs from April 6 through April 11.
6:17 a.m.: Deputies responded to reports of a boat on fire near the corner of Wright Road and Highline Road outside of Holtville.
8:09 a.m.: A Bombay Beach resident reported that somebody had broken into their home and stole a purse and a phone.
9:12 a.m.: An employee at Sierra Air outside of Brawley reported the theft of a generator and tools from the business. The employee advised deputies that they have the suspects on camera.
4:28 p.m.: A concerned citizen called deputies from LaBrucherie Road near Apolonia Road outside of Imperial to report a man in a basketball jersey on the side of the road with a gun talking to himself.
5:57 p.m.: The California Highway Patrol advised deputies of a male subject on a black motorcycle driving in excess of 100 mph on Highway 86 near Imperial.
7:35 p.m.: A resident of Haven Road outside of Holtville requested to speak with a deputy to advise them that he is over 18 years old and that he is “going to watch adult porn and it is legal for him to watch that.”
7:57 p.m.: Deputies responded to a traffic accident east of Highway 111 and south of Frink Road in the Bombay Beach area. Deputies requested medical assistance for the drivers of a white sedan and pickup truck who were both unconscious.
2:19 a.m.: A woman called deputies from the basketball court on Beal Road in Niland to report that a male subject was threatening her, claiming that she stole his property. The caller reported that the man had a hatchet in his hand and said that “he will destroy her.”
4:37 a.m.: A Heber resident called 911 to report a suspicious group of four men and two women in a blue van. The caller told dispatch that he does not know the subjects and that he overheard the group talking about wanting to “take him to Mexicali.” Deputies later found an unoccupied van matching the vehicle description in an alley nearby.
8:03 a.m.: A Seeley resident called 911 to report a possible gas leak due to a foul odor coming from a nearby property.
11:49 a.m.: Deputies responded to a medical emergency in Niland after a man cut his hand with a saw while attempting to cut a piece of wood. Dispatch noted that the hand was “still attached to the arm.”
1:08 p.m.: A Seeley resident called deputies to report a subject illegally dumping trash in the area. The caller told deputies that they had been able to retrieve the name and address of the illegal dumpers from mail found in the trash.
3:23 p.m.: A resident of LaBrucherie Road near Imperial called 911 to report that someone tried to open the door to his room. The caller then heard shuffling outside the door.
4:16 p.m.: A Salton City resident called deputies to complain that a neighbor had been defecating in her hard and leaving wipes on her plants. The caller requested extra patrol checks of the area.
5:11 p.m.: Security officers at Red Earth Casino in Salton City called deputies after a male subject began removing his clothing in front of the casino’s convenience store.
5:29 p.m.: A Niland resident called deputies to report that a male subject had been sending her text messages threatening to sexually assault her. The caller reported that the man also sometimes makes the same types of threats in person.
5:36 p.m.: A resident near El Centro requested assistance after his five baby goats went missing. The caller reported that the goats returned on their own, but he wasn’t sure where they had been.
7:38 p.m.: A Niland resident called 911 to report that a subject in a gray sweatshirt had broken their windshield before taking off toward Memphis Avenue.
7:59 p.m.: A Salton City resident called deputies to report that “neighbors or voices are being rude to him.” The caller stated that he hears voices and sees things on his property and requested extra patrol checks.
10:31 p.m.: A Winterhaven resident called 911 to report that somebody was trying to break down her front door.
1:27 a.m.: A Heber resident called 911 to report a male subject in a bathrobe was on her front lawn yelling and trying to get inside the house.
1:12 p.m.: A citizen visited the Imperial County jail lobby on Applestill Road to surrender a shotgun that he had found in the “Duck Club” in the area of Dogwood Road and Neckel Road the day before. The firearm, which was not registered, was stored for safekeeping.
3:08 p.m.: Deputies responded to Highway 86 near Imperial for reports of a man wearing no shirt and blue jeans jumping in front of traffic. Deputies were unable to locate the man.
2:43 a.m.: Security at Quechan Casino in Winterhaven reported a female subject under the influence of alcohol being violent and causing a scene at the casino’s east valet entrance.
8:12 a.m.: A subject near El Centro called deputies to report ongoing issues with a subject trespassing during the nighttime hours. The caller reported that the subject was currently on the property rummaging through the trash.
11:39 a.m.: A resident outside of Holtville called deputies to report that his brother, who was last seen in a “delusional, hallucinating and paranoid state,” had been missing for the past three days.
5:06 p.m.: Deputies responded to a vehicle accident on Dunaway Road in Seeley after a vehicle hit a motorhome from behind and caused it to overturn.
8:18 p.m.: A Salton City resident reported spotting a suspicious male subject carrying a hammer and walking through alleys looking into people’s backyards.
8:51 p.m.: A Bard resident called deputies to complain about an ongoing problem with a neighbor setting off bombs and requested extra patrol checks of the area.
9:03 p.m.: A subject called deputies after becoming lost at the sand dunes with three other adults. The caller advised deputies that they had 50 percent power on their cell phone battery and no water with them.
9:43 p.m.: A Winterhaven man called deputies to report that his girlfriend had slapped him and broke a plate over his head.
10:46 p.m.: A resident outside of Holtville called deputies that complain that people were watching him with night-vision goggles while he was on private property.
9:08 a.m.: A male subject staying at Slab City requested extra patrol checks of the area due to him being “harassed and threatened by multiple subjects,” including threats about killing his cat. The subject advised deputies that he’s planning to leave the Slabs but is waiting for his mechanic to fix his RV.
6:42 p.m.: A woman walking near Grace Smith Elementary School in Niland called 911 to report hearing a woman scream, “Help me please, he’s raping me.” The caller disconnected the line and didn’t answer when the dispatcher attempted to call back.
2:05 p.m.: A resident of Andre Road near Brawley reported finding a 9 mm shell casing near their mailbox after hearing gunshots the previous night. The resident advised deputies that he believes his neighbor has more information on the incident and that the area has had an ongoing problem with thefts.
7:36 p.m.: A resident of Santiago Street in Salton City called deputies to report a subject in the neighboring duplex was smoking drugs and banging on the wall.