Home Legal Notices In Legal NoticesLEGAL NOTICES: June 3, 2021Priscilla Brownon June 4, 2021 Share California Auction Portico 6130 FBNS BRM Trucking 6543 FBNS-ALSCO 6129 FBNS-CALIFORNIA CAB 6541 FBNS-CARMONA AND SONS SERVICES 9046 FBNS-Celunlock 6545 FBNS-Clip Em Up Barbershop 6544 FBNS-GALAZ AUTO SERVICE 6540 FBNS-ORLANDO LOPEZ CUBAN BALLET 6538 FBNS-UNA VOZ QUE CLAMA EN EL DESIERTO 6131 IC Planning Dept Agenda – 9044 Name Change Maximus Rey Parra 6132 Notice of Trustee’s Sale 9043 Notice of Trustee’s Sale 9045