A group of friends, all with customized mortarboards, celebrate together following their graduation from Imperial High School on June 4. | CAMILO GARCIA JR. PHOTO
Often referred to as a graduation cap, the traditional mortarboard can be a perfect platform to express one’s individuality.
Imperial Valley high school seniors — and grads of all levels — brought quite a bit of artsy flair to the pomp and circumstance of commencement ceremonies throughout the region over the past week and more.
Here are a few collected during the course of covering several high school graduations, as well as a few submitted by our readers.
We’re keeping this gallery up and hopefully adding to it, so if you’d like to see your mortarboard make the grade, email us a photo with your name, age, and school to info@calexicochronicle.com
From funny tributes to heartfelt memorials, the designs ran the gamut. Some appear homemade, and we’ve some local businesses that actually had a cottage industry of doing the decorating for the grads-to-be. Enjoy.